Seeking Partners In Development

Driving Innovation in Chelator Therapy Across Human and Veterinary Applications

Chelators are groundbreaking compounds that bind to and remove toxic metals from the body, paving the way for innovative treatments across a range of medical and veterinary applications. We are actively seeking partners to bring these advancements to market and develop solutions for both human and animal health.

What Makes an Ideal Chelator?

An ideal chelator is one that effectively removes toxic metals, is biocompatible, safe for use, and versatile across medical indications, including human and veterinary applications.

Partners in Development

  • We are seeking collaboration with partners to advance specific human indications to market and license compounds.
  • Opportunities for veterinary development in non-MUMS (Minor Use Minor Species) conditions are available.

Licensing Opportunities

  • Oxidative Stress
  • Metal Toxicity: Mercury, Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium (COPD), Uranium, Gadolinium (Treatment and NBMI-Gd Contrast Agent)
  • Neurodegenerative Diseases: Parkinson’s, Atypical Parkinson’s, Superficial Siderosis, ALS, MS, Bipolar Disorder
  • Cardiovascular Applications: Leaky Membranes (e.g., IDCM – Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy)
  • Copper Metabolism Disorders

Licensing Agreements for Key Patents and Indications

Explore our licensing opportunities for innovative treatments targeting oxidative stress, neurodegenerative disorders, and more.

Oxidative Stress and Dietary Supplementation:

  • Ameliorating oxidative stress and supplementing the diet

Disease-Specific Applications:

• Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

  • Smoking-related studies (e.g., Karolinska study on cadmium)

• Neurodegenerative Disorders

  • NBMI applications in ALS, MS, Parkinson’s, and Atypical Parkinson’s

• Inherited Conditions

  • Wilson’s Disease (copper metabolism)

Metal Toxicity Treatments:

  • Mercury (ALS, MS, Parkinson’s, IDCM)
  • Lead (intellectual disability prevention)
  • Arsenic (e.g., Black Foot Disease, water treatment)
  • Uranium (focus on Los Angeles residents)

NAPQI Applications:

• Paracetamol Toxicity Treatment

  • NBMI for managing NAPQI

• Tylenol/NBMI Sandwich Therapy

Emerging Indications:

• NBMI as an Antiviral Agent
• Metastasis treatment (latest research)

Join us in advancing medical and veterinary innovations.